all for the next years ! don’t fear
suite à lecture de hyper conservatives … sur FB, et leur réponses quasi raciste sur le monde … ils ont peur et ne supporte pas qu’on s’occupe de social plutot que d’economic …
Laurent Puissant, à 13:46 le 6 mars
all those effects to the wold societies… all the history nations will work onn re-building the world banking economy.. an hyper-capitalism with no rules: now that’s naturally stopped… of course credit is for direct investment and not for just direct-day profit. You’re in the wrong when you fear the future, and about Kenya …oohh what’s the context: Obama has not yet created the major ruin of the world economy, nor USA, but all the « profitors » who thought this was so easy to play « bankcasino ». In Russia half the Billionars are down ! what’s up ? yes about their bad utility enterprises… just for profit is down now, that’s all. I may just say the 2009 is the Rupture year, but the next humanity society evolution, and that’s great !
don’t fear any downfall of America: the dreaming world of dreamers (?! ;)) But the realities are truely to be evaluated: it is time now, just near to see how unmeaningful was the consumerism and its bad ultra-capitalism… You can’t just live on credit.
Laurent Puissant, à 13:55 le 6 mars
health care is the little joke for those who needn’t, but just on the street,, and since years of « prosperity » the who lived outside, and alone, and perhaps just poors will NOW be seen as just your neighbors. And that’s good for you to watch what’s USA really !
Not to say any hate, i very love your enthusiasm and pretty good thought about to act and do and be up to high … but that’s not reflecting the realities of the USA countries.
Now, it’s time to think how to live humanly, in real exchanges, with no fear of the differences and diversities and other opinions.
I’m french, and i’ve too a president who believes in himself, and gets his last ideas in the last keynes century (19°S) as all the conservatives, they believe work is a central value but they all forget the human truely curiosity and values inn doing « things » (ahah) together: we are to build the little transitional moment to structure the next way of living: evolving human societies. All what is done now is to re-cover…
Laurent Puissant, à 14:06 le 6 mars
the bankrupty, and so much is done to maintain the banks (!) … of course to have the earth plane not crashing too strongly..; but that’s peanuts compared to what have to be recovered: no much monay… the next « play » would come from the China, with its dollars reserves… and may be a trying starter… but that won’t recover the real money burnt in the banks ! … a trick it will be.
you don’t have to fear the future coz that will be a great next human global society. Imagine you can go everywhere, with no doubt, finding « friends » to welcome you .. to build an other exchanging model… the real problem is that we lack of the convincing mode of share ! think about open and sharing, and how all could be easier without the « pretending working » time ?
work has to be considered in its distributive function of the wealths and to give us the occasion to interrogate ourselves on those… :
reviewing the manner the work is shared conducts to RE-THINK the re-sharing of all the social wells.
Laurent Puissant, à 14:12 le 6 mars
i enjoy reading your answers, and for those who fears future , i have to say i’m convinced the future will be radious and enjoyment. this 2009 has taken time to come, but now it is. It is THE time to get profund senses up to outside and watching the reality of what could be done without the bad notion of « do it -for- yourself » but to do it yourself with and for ALLtogether ! may i’ve been right writing…
next cheers all there !